Learn with Halifax
Get started with banking
I want to borrow money
I want to make payments online
I want to budget and save
I want to keep my money safe
Money and mental health
Resources for in-person sessions
I want to set up and use my device
I want to feel safer online
I want to create and search for documents online
I want to use the internet to help with my day to day
I want to manage my money online
I want to socialise online
I want to change my job or career
I want to grow my skills for the future
Whether you're looking for a new job or to get the latest skills you need for work. We're here to help you prepare and take the next step.
Work through the topics one by one, or pick and choose the ones you need.
Starting out or looking for a change of career? Get help searching and applying for jobs.
9 lessons
Keep up to date with the latest skills you need for work and boost your productivity.
6 lessons
14 minutes
4 minutes
10 minutes
9 minutes