Choose a topic

Work through the topics one by one, or pick and choose the ones you need.

Get started with banking

Learn how to bank and manage the money in and out of your account.

6 lessons

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I want to borrow money

Learn about borrowing, the different ways to borrow and the types of support available to you.

5 lessons

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I want to make payments online

Learn how you can make payments online and the methods available.

3 lessons

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I want to budget and save

Learn skills such as budgeting and saving to help you bank with confidence.

9 lessons

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I want to keep my money safe

Understand how to avoid scams and keep yourself safe online.

4 lessons

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Money and mental health

Learn the impact of money on mental health and where you can access additional support.

5 lessons

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Resources for in-person sessions

Download session packs with all the resources you need to run an engaging session on the essentials of money management.

4 lessons

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