Learn with Halifax
Get started with banking
I want to borrow money
I want to make payments online
I want to budget and save
I want to keep my money safe
Money and mental health
Resources for in-person sessions
I want to set up and use my device
I want to feel safer online
I want to create and search for documents online
I want to use the internet to help with my day to day
I want to manage my money online
I want to socialise online
I want to change my job or career
I want to grow my skills for the future
Pick up essential digital skills to make it easier to manage your money and stay safe while using online tools in your day-to-day life.
Work through the topics one by one, or pick and choose the ones you need.
Learn to use and personalise your device so it better suits your needs.
3 lessons
Feel more confident in keeping yourself, your friends and your family safe online.
8 lessons
Learn to find and share information online safely.
7 lessons
Such as shopping and managing bills.
6 lessons
Learn to look after your money online. Learn the benefits of using online tools to help you to bank, budget, and save.
4 lessons
Learn to socialise using online tools so you can keep in touch with the people who matter to you most.
14 minutes
4 minutes
10 minutes
9 minutes