Choose a topic

Work through the topics one by one, or pick and choose the ones you need.

I want to set up and use my device

Learn to use and personalise your device so it better suits your needs.

3 lessons

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I want to feel safer online

Feel more confident in keeping yourself, your friends and your family safe online.

8 lessons

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I want to create and search for documents online

Learn to find and share information online safely.

7 lessons

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I want to use the internet to help with my day to day

Such as shopping and managing bills.

6 lessons

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I want to manage my money online

Learn to look after your money online. Learn the benefits of using online tools to help you to bank, budget, and save.

4 lessons

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I want to socialise online

Learn to socialise using online tools so you can keep in touch with the people who matter to you most.

6 lessons

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