In this lesson, you'll find out what mental health means. We'll share signs of mental ill health and how to support others who are experiencing it.

Key Learnings

  • What we mean by 'mental ill health'
  • Signs and symptoms
  • How you can support someone who's experiencing mental ill health

Read time: 

3 mins

Chapter 1 

What is mental ill health?

Read time: 

1 min

What do we mean by 'mental ill health'?

At some time in our lives, many of us experience mental ill health.

Sometimes this can make it hard to deal with money, or money problems could have contributed to mental ill health.

This can be different for each person who experiences it. Not everyone will have a diagnosis of a mental health condition from a doctor.

Problems such as low self-esteem, stress or isolation aren't a condition or disease, but they can have a big impact on mental health. Mental ill health can be caused by, and cause, symptoms like forgetfulness, headaches and a fast heartbeat.

Warning signs of mental health problems or illness can include sleeping too much or too little, having no energy, unexplained aches or pains, feeling forgetful, feeling on edge or panicked, mood swings, seeing or hearing what isn't there and thoughts of harming self or others.

Relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking, drinking or shopping can also be a warning sign of mental ill health.

It's important not to try to diagnose yourself or anyone else who has these symptoms. Instead, look for help and support.


Mental health problems and illness might make things seem like they will never get better, but there is lots of help available. With the right support, people experiencing these symptoms can recover, start to cope with the stresses of life and feel well again.

Coping tools such as meditation, mental exercises and physical activity can be valuable in managing mental health problems and illness.

For help and information, visit Mental Health UK.

Chapter 2

Supporting someone with mental ill health

Read time: 

2 mins

How you can help

It can be hard to know what to do if someone you know and care about is experiencing mental ill health. Here are some ideas that could help you support them.


Use the arrows to move through our tips:

What is mental health: completed!

In this lesson, you looked at what is meant by mental ill health, the warning signs and how to help others who are experiencing it.

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